About Us

St. Mary and St. Rhadegund is the Parish Church of Whitwell, and has been the centre of worship in the village for over 900 years. The church began as two adjacent chapels which over time merged into one church; hence the unusual dual dedication.

Architecturally this is a fascinating building, with evidence of development over the centuries, and many hours can be spent identifying architectural styles and periods. The church is part of an ancient pilgrim route, and there is a Saxon well (still functioning) less than a couple of hundred yards from the church.

Safeguarding: As a church, we are committed to the protection of vulnerable individuals of all ages, and are concerned to meet all pertinent safeguarding standards. We are pleased to adopt the House of Bishops 'Promoting a Safer Church' Policy.

Our Safeguarding representatives are Ms Angela Hutchins who can be contacted by email: [email protected] and Mrs Judith Goodhind, email: [email protected]. Should you rather contact a male representative, then please approach Mr Graham Melville, email: [email protected] or 01983 731493 and he will pass your query to the relevant safeguarding person in the diocese.