About Us

Our Church building is up to 800 years old, but God has been regularly worshipped here for well over 1000 years.   Still at the centre of Westerham life, we aim to make St Mary’s and its Christian message relevant to today’s community and for future generations by serving Christ, Westerham and the wider world.

'Church' is not just something 'attended' on a Sunday;  'Church' is a community of people coming together to worship God, to share their gifts and abilities to encourage each other, to make God known in the world.   But it is not just about 'doing things', it is about 'being', or perhaps better described as 'becoming' - coming together to discover more about Jesus, to deepen our faith in him, to live as he showed us to live and to become more like him.

Everyone is welcome to come and visit and join us.

You can read more about us in our annual reports - these are located on the Charity Commission website.