Christenings also known as Baptism

Baptism (also known as a Christening) marks the beginning of a journey with God which continues for the rest of our lives. The first step in response to God’s love. For all involved, particularly the candidates, but also parents, godparents and sponsors, it is a joyful moment when we rejoice in what God has done for us in Christ, making serious promises and declare our faith. The wider community of the local church and friends welcome the new Christian, promising support and prayer for the future. Hearing and doing these things provides an opportunity for us to remember our own baptism and reflect on the progress made in our journey with God, which is now to be shared with this new member of the Church.

If you would like to know more about holding a baptism for you or your child at King Charles then please come along to one of our baptism enquiry evenings. These are held in the Upper Room of the Church Hall (3 Warwick Park) on the first Monday of each month. Please let the church office know if you would like to attend.

Baptism enquiry dates for 2019

<span style="font-size: 1rem;">April 1st</span>

May 13th

June 3rd

July 1st

August 4th

September 2nd

October 7th

November 4th

December 2nd

Our services of baptism takes place on the first Sunday in each month at 12noon. We would be equally happy to hold your baptism during our Parish Communion at 10am.

If you would like to explore baptism further at King Charles the Martyr for either you or your children then please contact by clicking here and visiting our website. 

A Prayer for Baptism

Heavenly Father,

by the power of your Holy Spirit

you give your faithful people new life in the water of baptism.

Guide and strengthen us by the same Spirit,

that we who are born again may serve you in faith and love, and

grow into the full stature of your Son, Jesus Christ,

who is alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit

now and for ever.
