
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Getting here

See the church website for up-to-date details of the services and many activities, at
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We believe the message of Jesus Christ is as relevant today as it ever was.

We normally have about 400 adults and 160 children in church on a given Sunday. Over 275 church members meet in home groups during the week. There are also regular 'Christianity Explored' courses, for people looking into what Christianity is all about, and other events from time to time with an 'outsider' focus.

There is a críªche, a Bible club for the 3s - 11s, and groups for older children and teenagers. Bible teaching occupies the central place at our meetings, because we believe the Bible to be God's key instrument for building up and equipping His church.

We see ourselves as being here for the local community and town, and very much a part of it. For all our weaknesses, our conviction is that the local church is the hope of the world, because Jesus Christ is at its centre.

Amherst Road
Tunbridge Wells

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