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Founded approximately 450 A.D. by Saint Maughold, who was expelled from Ireland by Saint Patrick and later became Bishop of Sodor and Man. The parish church started life as a monastic keeill and contains traces of later 12th century construction, possibly commissioned by the Viking King Olaf 1 (1114-1154).  There are three extant keeills in the large monastic enclosure (now the graveyard), together with a large collection of Celtic and Viking crosses.

 Come and join our active and friendly congregation for a spiritual experience in this ancient and tranquil setting which combines the best of Celtic and Viking tradition within Affirming Catholic practice: you will be made very welcome. Trails are available for both the church and the graveyard.

 The Church of St Paul, in Ramsey and The Chapel of Christ Church, the Dhoon, are also in the parish.


To enquire about our halls, speak to:
Dhoon Hall – Marinda on 861039
Maughold Hall – Pam on 464593
St Paul’s Hall – Wendy on 815456


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