Letter from Monika

Dear friends at St. Michael’s Church,

My family and I are very grateful to you that you never forget me on special occasions like my birthday, Easter, Christmas, the first school day etc. I would like to thank all of you for your kind support all these years and to wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

Thank you for the wonderful Christmas gifts I again received from you. Thank you for the leggings, the scarf and the socks. And of course thanks for the food, for the sweets, chocolates, the fruit and the nuts. Thanks to you we again have delicious food for the most wonderful holiday – Christmas.

I am on holiday now. We are studying online in a platform called Teams. I like the online lessons and I try hard. The lessons will start again on 4th January, again online. But I prefer to be in the classroom with my friends and teachers.

I hope you are fine.

Once again thank you for your generosity.

My family and I wish you all the best!

Lots of love,
