Baptism (sometimes known as Christening) marks a new beginning of Christian life whether we are adults, young people or children. There is no cost for a Baptism.

We look forward to welcoming families to church for Baptism. It’s always a time of joyful celebration when we thank God for our children and welcome them into the Church.

If you would like to consider booking a baptism please do contact Revd Kate Byrom for details of our baptism preparation on 01623 452431 or email [email protected]

Baptisms at the Abbey are usually held at 12.30pm, after the service of Morning Prayer or Holy Communion on the second and fourth Sundays of each month.

If you would like to find out more about Baptism/ Christenings then do visit

An alternative to a Baptism Service is a Service of Thanksgiving, where the parents and sponsors thank God for the gift of a child, without making promises on behalf of the child about their commitment to the Christian faith.