About Us

St. Georges church was built in 1877 with money provided by Miss Moss, daughter of the Vicar of St. Mary’s Church in nearby Illingworth.

Members of the congregation describe St. Georges as a welcoming, evangelical, charismatic, family church, committed to outreach with close links to the community. Worship is lively and is lead by a music group.

We provide Christian services to local residential homes and are linked with a community group, St Georges Community Trust, which  is based at St. Georges House. Also based at St. Georges are thriving uniformed organisations of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and of course a branch of the Mothers Union.

As well as the church, St. George’s has a separate Church Hall where members enjoy meeting with cuppa after church and where other groups and organisations can also meet. During term time a pre-school group meets in the Hall. The old vicarage has been converted, into offices, a small cosy chapel, meeting rooms (available for hire) and provides parking for a number of cars. This is managed by the St Georges Community Trust.