About Us

Part of the Benefice of North West Hampshire, formed in 2009, with Ashmansworth, Crux Easton, East Woodhay and Woolton Hill. A friendly welcome to our main Sunday services, usually at 11.00am and alternating between Matins, Parish Communion and a (10.00am) monthly Benefice Communion Service (held in each parish in turn). Our 8.00am service of Holy Communion alternates between Highclere and St Martin's, East Woodhay. Matins is a sung service following the Book of Common Prayer. 8am Communion is a quiet said service, again following the BCP. 11.00 am communion services are sung Eucharist, following a tradition-based Common Worship pattern, as are the 10.00am Benefice Communion services.

Highclere Church is the Parish Church of the Highclere Castle estate. Built by the then Earl of Carnarvon in the eighteenth century to replace an earlier church, it retains monuments from as far back as Tudor times. Christian worship has been held here since at least as far back as the Norman Conquest of 1066.

Along with other parishes of the Winchester Diocese, we are working across the Benefice with a view to simplifying and streamlining our management and administrative processes.