About Us

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to everyone who has recently moved into our friendly village. If you are a regular churchgoer or an occasional visitor please come along, join us at our beautiful church, situated about a mile from the centre of the village. We hold regular weekly services, usually including a Holy Communion and two more informal services. You can always be sure of a warm welcome.

Who's who? - The Ministry Team

Rector -

Reverend Tony Wilcox (retired with PTO)

Reverend Donald Mehen (retired with PTO)

Lay Reader, Churchwarden - Gwen Runnacles

Lay Elder, Churchwarden - Gillian Gasper 

Lay Elder - Lesley Raby

Organist - Jessie Ridley

St Mary's Burstall is one of six, small rural churches that form the North Samford Benefice.

We are a friendly, active and supportive church in the centre of the beautiful tiny village of Burstall, and part of the North Samford Benefice of six rural churches.

We love gathering to worshipping God and have a service in Church almost every Sunday at 9.30am.   There are a number of different services.

We very much enjoy welcoming visitors to our historic building.

We love doing weddings. We will work with you to help you make your wedding very personal and special within the confines of Anglican worship. Please contact the Rector to book your date as early as possible. Bookings already being taken for two years hence! You might like to consult yourchurchwedding.org to help your planning.

Baptisms take place in the main Sunday service at 9.30am unless there are strong pastoral reasons to make an exception. 

St Mary's is a lovely, friendly church with a number of architectural features of interest. Usually, open during daylight hours for visitors to come in and enjoy.

Our Usual Sunday Services

1st Sunday of the month Holy Communion CW 9.30am which lasts around an hour

2nd Sunday of the month Family service 9.30am around 45mins

3rd Sunday of the month Holy Communion CW 9.30am which lasts around an hour

4th Sunday of the month Morning Worship from the Book of Common Prayer lasting around 45mins

Every service is followed by freshly brewed coffee, tea, and delicious cake or biscuits.

For any enquiries please contact one of the churchwardens listed.


The Rector and PCC of St Mary’s Church, Burstall, Suffolk are committed to a safe church environment for everyone.

1. We recognise that everyone has different levels of vulnerability and that each of us may be regarded as vulnerable at some time in our lives.

2. We commit ourselves to respectful care to all those to whom we minister.

3. We commit ourselves to the safeguarding of all people who may be vulnerable, whatever their age, and ensuring their well-being in the life of Burstall Parish.

4. We commit ourselves to promote safe practice by those in positions of trust.

5. We commit ourselves to promote the inclusion and empowerment of all people within our parish.

6. We are all responsible for preventing the physical, emotional, sexual, financial, and spiritual abuse of vulnerable people and have a responsibility to listen to and act upon any disclosures/allegations/concerns of abuse. All concerns will be logged and reported to the Rector, the Safeguarding Co-ordinator, or in urgent cases to the Bishop’s Child Protection Officer and/or the Police.

7. We undertake to exercise proper care in the selection of those who will work with vulnerable people.

8. Burstall PCC has adopted the safeguarding guidelines of the Church of England and this Diocese.

9. Each person who works with vulnerable people must agree to abide by these recommendations and guidelines and In the case of children, those involved must attend appropriate child protection training and have a suitable DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) Check.

10. Non-compliance with this code of conduct will automatically mean that the person will not work with vulnerable people within church activities.

Burstall's Parish Safeguarding Officer is Gillian Gasper and can be contacted in case of any safeguarding concerns either by email, [email protected] or by telephone 01473 652396