About Us

St Peter's Church Family enjoy variety in our church and hope that our worship reflects that.

Our vicar, Rev Wendy Bradley, is also the vicar of St Michael and All Angels on Holderness Road.

We have a lively congregation, and are always pleased to welcome new members into our Church Family.

St Peter’s Church is a Grade II listed building and was built in 1852 of Yorkshire Limestone. It was designed by G T Andrews and is in the Early English style. It replaced a church built in the year 1100 and dedicated to St Mary Magdalene. The rebuilding cost being covered by the Hon Lydia Dawney.

We have a welcoming, friendly and enthusiastic congregation who have two weekly services that take place at 9.15am on Sundays and Wednesdays.

Our average attendances are 16 on Sundays and 7 on Wednesdays although our Parishioners, at our Christmas, Easter and Remembrance services and informal events, such as Friday meals, Afternoon Teas, Christmas Fairs and Christmas Tree Festivals and others, do turn out in numbers to support them.

Our church is well equipped to provide access for the disabled and is a warm and inviting place for all, with very good heating and lighting and comfortable conventional seating for around 120 guests.

Although the piano is usually played at our services, we do have an organ which is played occasionally.

The church has a sound system, screen and overhead projector which are often used at weddings and funerals to illustrate readings, talks and to show videos and power point displays.

Our church bells are rung before services and other important times.