
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Parish Administrator
(01782) 345114

Getting here

St.Peter's is full of history, having relatives of Nelson buried in the church.

We are a worshipping community, with a normal congregation ranging from 25-35 people at the 10.30am service on Sunday. People visiting the church often comment on the beauty of the church, and the warmth of the welcome.

St.Peter's church has a strong relationship with the local Church of England school, St.Peter's Aided C of E Primary school. There is a family service on the second Sunday of every month, though children are welcome at any service.  There is a small carpeted area with some toys, where they can play (with parental supervision) if they wish to.

The church is often open on the fourth Sunday of the month in the afternoon, and on weekday afternoons during the summer, for Afternoon Tea with home-made cakes and craft activities for children.  Why not come and enjoy the beautiful stained glass windows, whilst having your cake and eating it!  Check with the Parish Office for more details of opening times.

Blythe Bridge Road
Stoke on Trent
ST11 9EA

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