Cafe St Aidan's

Every Saturday at for 2 hours
St Aidan's Brunton Park
St Aidan's Church Princes Rd Brunton Park Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE3 5NF, United Kingdom

Our weekly cafe at St Aidan's is very popular. A lovely place to make and meet friends over a lovely cup of tea or coffee and tasty treats.

Every Saturday

Warm Welcome

Every Thursday and Saturday at for 2 hours
St Aidan's Brunton Park
St Aidan's Church Princes Rd Brunton Park Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE3 5NF, United Kingdom

St Aidan's is registered as a Warm Welcome space to provide a free, warm, welcoming & safe place for people to go
this winter. We offer a warm community room which provides tea and coffee. It is an inclusive, non-judgmental space where everyone can expect a warm and safe welcome from our volunteers as we abide by our safeguarding policies and hygiene rules.
Warm Welcome is available Saturday's during our cafe 10am - 12pm, and our Thursday afternoon group sessions at 2pm

Parish Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Aidan's Brunton Park
St Aidan's Church Princes Rd Brunton Park Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE3 5NF, United Kingdom

Everyone is welcome to our weekly Eucharist. Children are very welcome to our service and our children's area includes books and colouring activities and we also have Sunday School in our community room (parents are welcome too). The service includes holy communion, and children can receive a blessing at this time. This service is live streamed onto Youtube. If you would prefer not to be visible to the viewing public please speak to one of our church assistants who will advise you where to sit. Refreshments are available after this service.

BCP Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Aidan's Brunton Park
St Aidan's Church Princes Rd Brunton Park Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE3 5NF, United Kingdom

Our midweek Holy Communion service, followed by refreshments.

Chat and Craft

Every Fourth Thursday at for 2 hours
St Aidan's Brunton Park
St Aidan's Church Princes Rd Brunton Park Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE3 5NF, United Kingdom

It would be lovely if you would like to come along and join us in our monthly get together, to chat while crafting. Even if you don't want to craft - still come along for the chat. You'll be very welcome

Prayer and Praise

Every First Thursday at for 1 hour
St Aidan's Brunton Park
St Aidan's Church Princes Rd Brunton Park Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE3 5NF, United Kingdom

An informal get together in our community room, for prayer and praise, followed by refreshments