The Friends of St Bartholomew's Church

The Friends of St Bartholomew's Church  is a registered charity set up in 2021. The charity aims to raise funds to support the St Bartholomew's helping to maintain  the fabric of the building and make improvements  so that the Church  can continue to be a cultural and community asset in the years to come. 

If you are interested in joining the Friends you will find  further information  by visiting their website or downloading the leaflet at the bottom of the page .

Alternatively  contact : 

The Secretary The Friends of St. Bartholomew’s Church Orford, 3 Quay Street,Orford, Woodbridge ,Suffolk IP12 2NU

Email [email protected]

The Friends of St. Bartholomew’s Church, Orford. Charity Commission Number: 1194884. Registered address: 3 Quay Street, Orford, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 2NU

Friends%20of%20St%20Bartholomews%20Church%20flyer%20-%20FINAL%202022-06, PDF
