About Us

The ancient round tower church, dedicated to St Margaret of Scotland, has a small but warm hearted congregation with rural values. Patterns of worship have evolved over time,  and there is now normally a monthly BCP Holy Communion Service (fourth Sundays) and a monthly Village  Service (third Sundays). Coffee and time for chat follow the Village Service.   Families are catered for at Messy Church for the Benefice in the village hall. The church, which has three bells with a chiming mechanism, is delightfully situated in woodland close to the River Waveney and is open for visitors: a ramp is available and a simple guide leaflet is provided. The churchyard is a designated county wildlife site.

Our annual carol service, joined by a talented local à cappella choir, is particularly popular but all our fund raising and social events,  held at various times throughout the year, are well supported.   Details of these and other general information can be obtained from churchwarden  Mary Lewis [email protected]

Please note that although normal life, as described above, was suspended during the Covid-19 pandemic, we did our best to maintain  ministry in whatever ways we could and have now resumed our regular pattern of Sunday services.