Morning Prayer

Every day at for 15 mins
Zoom video service
Zoom video service, c/o Tacolneston Rectory, NR16 1DG

Begin every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (except bank holidays) by sharing Morning Prayer with others - it's not possible in Church but it is by Zoom.
Zoom id 819 938 4719

Holy Communion with Bible Study

Every Thursday at for 45 mins
Ashwellthorpe: All Saints
Ashwellthorpe: All Saints, The Street, Ashwellthorpe Ashwellthorpe Norwich, NR16 1EZ, United Kingdom

Every Thursday at All Saints, Ashwellthorpe - an informal service of Holy Communion with short Bible study. You will be very welcome!

News From Upper Tas Valley Benefice

Every day at for 6 hours
Forncett: St Mary's
Low Road Forncett St Mary Norwich, NR16 1JG, United Kingdom

Please take a look at the regularly updated 'News and Notices' page on the drop down menu for updates; the most recent edition of the Benefice Magazine; on-line worship (plus Zoom Service sheets) and social events.
St Mary's is open daily during daylight hours from 10am and has a Foodbank Collection point. The Church, like others in the benefice, is working towards being an accredited Eco Church and St Mary's pictured above, has just been awarded Silver!

Follow us on

Food bank Collection

Every day at for 6 hours
Upper Tas Benefice Churches
Upper Tas Benefice Churches, NR16, United Kingdom

The churches in Upper Tas Valley actively support the Trussell Trust Foodbank in Norwich and it's satellite food banks. In-date non-perishable food and toileteries are needed. Food may only be left in the Foodbank Collection boxes in the following places daily from 10am:
Daily - High Gables Porch, Church Road, Wreningham
- St Edmund's Church, Forncett End
- Ashwellthorpe Church, NR16 1EZ (Thursday only)
- Tacolneston Church, NR16 1EF
- Fundenhall Church, NR16 1EJ
- Forncett St Mary Church, NR16 1JG
- Fornett St Peter Church, NR16 1HY
- Wreningham Church, NR16 1BH
- Hapton Church, NR15 1SE

Thank you so much for supporting the Foodbank and all those who use it!

NEW! Light lunch and Film Club!

Monthly. Every Last Wednesday at for 3 hours
Hapton: St Margaret
Hapton: St Margaret, Holly Lane, Hapton Hapton Norwich, NR15 1SE, United Kingdom

Intoducing Wreningham cinema!
We'd love to welcome you to the new afternoon film show, on the last Wednesday of the month during the winter (except December 28th). Taking place in Wreningham Village Hall this is one of the church's contributions to the “warm space” scheme. A chance for you to turn down the heating at home and join us for a film and hot drink.
The first film will be shown on Wed. 30th November at 2 pm. It's “a true story about a crane operator who gained entry to the 1976 Golf open, despite never having played any golf”. Reviews: “An uproarious comedy” “Made me cry with laughter”. There is no charge to see the film, but an optional donation towards the refreshments would be appreciated.
Run by The Upper Tas Valley Benefice and open to anybody in our parishes, whether or not they attend our churches.

Book a Lunch
If you live alone or are struggling to make ends meet we will be offering a warm lunch at 1 pm before the film but this needs to be booked in advance. Contact Christine Minns for details if you are interested or if you know of somebody else who might be. Tel: 01508 488123
We will try to organise transport for the less able or non-car owners. Please let Christine know if you will require transport.