About Us

Welcome to our parish website. We are one of three churches (with Little Bealings & All Saints Kesgrave) who worship and work together as a group in the Fynn valley.

Please feel free to visit our church any time. It is open daily.

 Our Sunday services rotate around the churches. Playford has the following regular service times:

1st Sunday Morning Service, Third Sunday Family Communion service both starting at 10am

(Do check in the Fynn Lark News magazine or on the noticeboard for details of these and other services at  Little Bealings and Kesgrave churches.)

We are delighted to help with any requests for blessings, christenings, weddings or funerals. We have an open door policy.

 If you have any pastoral needs or prayer requests, do please get in touch. Also let us know if you are able to help us with any aspect of our church life. Whether it is prayer & social support, flower arranging, gardening, cleaning, refreshments or help with local needs or with our services, we would love to share the load!

Café Hub at Little Bealings Church 

After the period of public consultation, our plans were finally approved  by the Chancellor and we are busy fundraising to secure the cafe hub for the future. We now have local volunteers on our committee, with expertise ranging from architecture and heritage projects to performance, nutrition and café management. 

Our vision is to create a hub based on the 7 monastic spaces historically provided in places of community: cell (a place for private prayer), chapel (corporate prayer and worship), chapter (a place for meetings), cloister (an opportunity to meet friend and stranger), garden ( a place to nurture the environment responsibly, growing food to eat but also respectfully maintaining the churchyard), refectory (a place to eat and drink) and scriptorium ( a place of study, exploration and shared learning).
The church will be open daily for individuals to pray or just find a restorative space. Worship will continue as before at Little Bealings Church, with communion services twice a month. The café will provide a place to meet with light refreshments throughout the week and a flexible space, which can be used by groups including the school next door and other formal and informal groups for study, art, music and therapeutic activities.  We will also look at how we can utilise and care for the outside space and its environment, including outside seating, parking, and planting. If you feel called to assist in our project in any way do please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

 We wish you every blessing and look forward to welcoming you at one of our services or events at either Playford or Little Bealings.


Revd Gary Jones

Telephone 01473 412329 or 07714 614095