About Us

Saint Peter's Church is situated in the middle of the village, the oldest part of the present structure has pre Norman conquest quoins in the north and south nave walls and the bulk of the nave is from the 14th century as is the tower. The chancel dates from the 13th century. Y shaped windows add to the beauty of the building and fine stained glass in the chancel is worthy of inspection and even the Victorian restoration of the building was done in a pleasing manner. A visit is well worth while as every century since the 11th has left its mark on this place and the church guide, available for a small donation will give a full description to all the historical details.

Our aim is to worship the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to teach the Bible in a way that is relevant to everyday life, to enable people to grow in faith, understanding and love, equip people to serve and to offer people the opportunity to meet with Jesus and discover forgiveness and new life.