Grave Yard Plan

In June 2022, a photographic survey of the graveyard was carried out by Nick Newman, Paul Rogers, Steve Archer, and Paul Clayton. A full description of the survey, a new map with all headstones numbered, and an alphabetical list of the headstones identified are posted here for download. We are extremely grateful for Nick and team for this work.

For completeness, a diagrammatic representation of the graveyard, drawn from the PCC records inherited in 2005, is attached, which shows location of unmarked graves where known. 

The current Christening, Marriage and Death Registers are held here in the village. The start dates for registers are as follows

Burials 11th November 1975

Baptisms 9th June 1878

Marriages 14th November 1837

For a search of the Burial Register and copy of the record you are searching for please contact us via this webpage. There may be a small charge for this service in accordance with published Church of England Parochial Fees 'Searches in Church Registers'. These are £31 for a search and one copy, and £14 per additional copy. These fees go towards running and maintaining Hargrave church and graveyard

Please remember that the family of the deceased is responsible for the maintenance and repair of their ancestor’s grave. The parochial church council (PCC) are responsible for the maintenance of the churchyard, including health and safety issues. If a neglected headstone is unstable and a potential risk to visitors, the PCC will lay it down or, if necessary, remove any dangerous structure. They do not have the means or resource to trace families before taking such urgent action

The PCC is wholly reliant on fundraising to maintain this special place, so if your ancestor is laid to rest here, please consider making a donation to the PCC through this website to help preserve the beauty of their resting place.

Earlier registers are held at Suffolk Archives:

Graveyard_plan_as_picture2, PDF


Plot_Plan_renumbered_with_edits_August, JPG


Memorial_Inscription_List_-_Surname_Alphabetical_Final, DOCX


HHP_-_2012_St_Edmund_Graveyard_Audit_2022_with_SA_FINAL, DOCX
