Vacancies 2024

We have a number of volunteer vacancies in our parish. If you can help please get in touch with Rev'd Jo Williams or the parish office by emailing [email protected]

PCC members - we have 3 vacancies to sit on our PCC. The PCC (Parochial Church Council) meet about 7 times a year and is the governing body of a Church of England Parish. We discuss the financial affairs of the parish, maintenance, services and other matters of general concern and importance. If you'd like to be more involved with your parish, please get in touch. Do you have a calling to help our parish grow and be willing to commit to attend regular meetings throughout the year? We look forward to hearing from you.

Deanery Synod - we have two vacancies to sit on Deanery Synod. There are about four meetings a year where you find out the wider Deanery discussions.