About Us

Welcome to the parish church of Luxulyan: St Cyriacus & St Julitta in the Anglican Diocese of Truro and county of Cornwall England.

We are a rural parish situated between St Austell and Bodmin. Our parish priest is the Revd Jules Williams who we share with the parishes of St Luke's, Boscoppa (meets in Bishop Bronscombe school) and St Blaise, St Blazey.

We are passionate about serving our community, spreading the word through our Open the Book team who regularly visits the local primary school, and supporting those with less than ourselves.  We collect for the local Foodbank, support the Children's Society through our Christingle service, collect for the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox appeal each year and support the Kilimatinde Trust school in Tanzania. There is a regular monthly prayer walk where we pray for the village and hamlets in our long and narrow parish.

Our church is open all day from 9 - 5 for visitors and refreshments are always available for visitors to help themselves.  We welcome walkers completing the Saints Way and the Cornish Celtic Way.

View the church website for more information: www.luxulyanchurch.org.uk