When it isn't possible to go to church....

Join us for one of our 'Zoom' services - see Notice page for details

The all age session at 9.30 on Facebook on a Sunday continues as usual - now with a rota of different hosts that will still include Bishop Philip and his wife Ruth.

Or you could listen to one of the many radio options - Radio 4, Radio Cornwall offer services on a Sunday around 8am.
Or you could look at: Church of England website - or at many churches and cathedrals up and down the country!

Numerous churches are streaming thoughts, prayers and reflections, click here:  Streamed services

A very good resource is churchofengland.org 

Browse around the various pages and options, you're sure to find something that interests you. There's a whole range of prayers you can choose from to read - or listen to.

Or using your computer, tablet or phone (as you prefer) and from your web browser access morning and evening prayer using these links:

For daily prayers click here and choose what you need.

Alternatively download an App for your tablet or phone. Church House Publishing or provide a number of these Apps and these can be downloaded from church house publishing

If you have any difficulties with the daily prayer or have any questions please email and we'll try to help.

Have a browse around the Church House Publishing website as there are other things of interest, for example, Daily Readings for Easter: EasterPilgrim or perhaps Reflections   Some of these apps require a subscription, but Daily Prayer is free.

Please also look at the page "Additional online resources"

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