Walsingham Cell

Every third Tuesday of the month at the 7.30pm Eucharist we remember the outreach, family support and healing ministry carried on at the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham in Norfolk.   We have a Walsingham Cell, a group of people who seek to support that work by prayer, by fund-raising and by actively promoting pilgrimage to that Shrine.  

Our next meetings in 2023 [all Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm unless specified]:

21st February [pancakes after Mass!], 21st March, 18th April

Also: Feast of the Annunciation Saturday 25th March: 9.30am Mass, followed by Walsingham Cell cooked breakfast.

Do come and join us in this Act of Worship - all Cell events are open to everybody who would like to come.

As well as supporting the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham,  the Cell is active in supporting our local worship;  here available for download is a brief article describing a recent contribution it has been able to make.

WalsinghamCell, PDF
