About Us

Welcome to St Mary's Church

During Lent, we remember how Jesus was tempted in the desert and refocused on what God was calling him to do. When life is dry, dusty, scorchingly hot, or overwhelmingly lonely, it is tempting to argue with God or ignore him. But he longs to draw us to himself and welcomes us to a purposeful life in the community of the Church. So if you're in one of life's deserts, we hope and pray that Church will be an oasis, come and join us.

Make friends and explore the Christian faith.

Sunday Services 8am on the second and fourth Sunday of the month; 9.30am Holy Communion with Sunday School on the first, second and third Sunday of the month;  Morning Prayer with Sunday  School on the forth Sunday of the month; an Area service on the fifth Sunday of the month where we join with other churches in our Area (not necessarily at Uttoxeter) and 10.30am on the first and third  Wednesday of the month.

Tuesday 9.30am-11.00am during term time St Mary's Toddler Group for Pre-schoolers and their carers.

Christening services on the first, second and third Sunday of the month by arrangement with [email protected]

Jesus said "I have come that you may have life and have it to the full" John 10:10

We are part of the Church of England and express our living faith in Jesus Christ through our everyday lives, in our services of worship, and through activities serving the community. We are in the Diocese of Lichfield, and aim to be a relevant Christian presence in the area of Uttoxeter.