About Us

Welcome to 
St. Mary the Virgin

We are  a small community in the Staffordshire Moorlands the church is very active despite this. We are part of a larger benefice incorporating the parishes of Calton, Waterfall, Grindon, Caldon and Blore. 

The church is located in the heart of the village, opposite the memorial Hall which was previously the village school until its closure in 1980. There has been a church on the present site since the 16th Century. Extensive rebuilding in 1762 brought about the present structure which was restored in 1875. The church is a simple rectangular layout of a Nave at the east end extended as a sanctuary. Additions over the years have included a small vestry, a balcony and a porch. The balcony is also used as the organ loft.
The church is constructed from local limestone with gritstone quoins and details. The bell flèche at the west end is a capped, wooden, louvred structure that houses a single 'matin' bell.

There are many beautiful features of the church and recently the PCC agreed to keep the church open during the day for visitors. 

We have regular Church services but because we share oour Vicar with 4 other churches timings vary. However a good rule of thumb is there is always a 9.30am service on the first two Sunday's of the month! We always love visitors here so please come and visit😀

The first Saturday in September has been set aside for the church annual 'wakes' celebrations, during the day we have open gardens around the village for you to explore, as well as spotting the decorated wheel barrows. There are the usual games and stalls, and our famous cream teas in the hall. In recent years the Wakes have grown to include a produce show and evening entertainment. We welcome visitors to come and join in!