
We are always delighted to welcome new members into the life of the church. Baptism (‘Christening’) is the way in which we formally become part of the Christian family: it is both a profound sharing in the death and resurrection of Christ and a joyful affirmation of God’s love for each one of us.

If you have not been baptized yourself, or would like to have your child baptized, please email the office via the Get in Touch page, and we shall be pleased to make the necessary arrangements. There are no age limits for baptism, nor is there any charge! It is an expression of God’s free and unlimited grace.

Wherever possible, we aim for baptisms to take place within the main Sunday Eucharist, with the regular congregation present to welcome the candidates. But we recognise that both for practical and personal reasons this is not always appropriate, so we also offer separate baptism services, usually at 12.15pm on Sundays.

There is no formal preparation for baptism, but prior to the service the priest who is to take the service will arrange to meet with you to explain exactly what will take place. If possible, it is helpful if godparents can also be present on this occasion. We are only too happy to answer any questions you might have, and we want to do our best to make the service a relaxed and happy occasion for you and your family.

More information about baptism can be found on the Church of England website: Christenings | The Church of England