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Please note that we have a variety of services each week. Please also take a look at our services at Holy Trinity, Coleman’s Hatch. We look forward to welcoming you at any of our services.

1st Sunday – All-age Communion

An All-age Communion in the round takes place at 

9.30 am on the 1st Sunday of the month. It is designed to be child friendly and to help introduce the younger members of our church family to Holy Communion, which is at the heart of Christian worship. All ages are welcome. Christenings often take place during this service. The music is a mixture of modern and traditional.

 Join us for coffee afterwards.

 Said Prayer Book Communion at 8.00 am on 2nd and 4th Sunday

A said prayer book Communion service is held at 8.00 am on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. It takes place in the chancel and is of a more contemplative nature than our other services. It is popular among those looking for a more traditional service format.

2nd Sunday – Kidz Praise

Kidz Praise, a service with readings, prayers and music, aimed at young children and their families. There is a lot of movement and activities for the children. It introduces children to the teachings of the bible and to prayer, and allows them to full participate in all aspects of the service. It is very informal, lively and targeted at under 7s, but also with thought provoking issues for older members of the congregation. It is great fun!

It takes place at 9.30 am and lasts about 45 minutes. It has significant lay involvement in leadership of the service. We are also beginning to develop wider congregational involvement in the music used in the service. Please let us know if you would like to help with the service or the music by speaking to Rev. Julie Sear or one of the Churchwardens, (Tim or Dick).

Please join us for coffee and juice afterwards.

3rd Sunday – Family Communion with Children’s Activities

Family Communion with Children’s Activities is a more traditional Sung Holy Communion and takes place at 9.30 am. All are welcome to come to front to receive Communion, if that is their tradition, or to receive a prayer of blessing.

There is an adult choir to lead the congregation in all the music. Intercessions are led by members of the congregation. There are activities for children during the serviin

Please let us know if you would like to help with the readings, intercessions or would like to join the choir (adults or children) by speaking to Rev. Julie Sear or one of the Churchwardens, (Tim or Dick).

Please join us for coffee afterwards.

 4th Sunday – Café Church

Café Church, a different sort of service with discussions in small groups about three questions based on the bible readings set for the Sunday. These discussions are then shared with the whole congregations. Non-traditional music also plays an important part, as does a time for prayer.

There are activities specifically for children during the service.

It takes place at 9.30 am but all are welcome to come earlier to drink coffee and chat. The church is set out with chairs and tables, with coffee and croissants served.

Congregational involvement is central to this service and it is a great opportunity to ask talk, ask questions and make friends. If you prefer you can just listen while others explore the Christian faith. You will be sure to meet people and will receive a warm welcome.

We are looking for people to help with the music at this service. Please let us know if you would like to help by speaking to Rev. Julie Sear or one of the Churchwardens, (Tim or Dick).

5th Sunday – Family Communion with Children’s Activities

Family Communion with Children’s Activities is a more traditional Sung Holy Communion and takes place at 9.30 am. All are welcome to come to front to receive Communion, if that is their tradition, or to receive a prayer of blessing.

There is an adult choir to lead the congregation in all the music. Intercessions are led by members of the congregation. There are activities for children during the service.

Please let us know if you would like to help with the readings, intercessions or would like to join the choir (adults or children) by speaking to Rev. Julie Sear or one of the Churchwardens, (Tim or Dick).

Please join us for coffee and juice afterwards.

School Services

A school service takes place most weeks during term, usually on a Tuesday at 2.45 pm. It is attended by all pupils and staff. Parents, grandparents, friends and members of the congregation are also welcome to join in. Children are collected from the church rather than from school when there is a service. On the first Tuesday of the month, coffee and cakes are served after the service.

 In addition, there are special school services such as harvest, end of term and Shrove Tuesday.

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