
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Rev. Mike Milmine, Priest in Charge

Getting here

We are a Local Ecumenical Partnership of Anglicans and Methodists and are also fully committed to working together in mission and ministry with the other churches in Newhaven.   Along with these churches we are partners in the Breakout Community Centre in the centre of town.


We see our purpose as:  Responding to God; Growing as His family; Sharing His love with others.


St Michael’s is the ancient parish church of Newhaven (or Meeching as the town was originally called).  The church tower and east end were built 1120, and the rest of the building dates from 1860. 


The spire is currently being re-shingled (with cedar wood tiles). This project has been funded by local fundraising and by a £35,000 grant from the Government 'Listed Places of Worship' Roofing fund.

Church Hill

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