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Getting here


Welcome to the Churches of the Downland Benefice. 

Nestling behind the South Downs, these four small churches all date back to the 13th century or beyond, and are a joy to visit – places of calm and quiet in a busy world. Yet the buildings are not our only treasure.

The Downland Benefice Churches are places where you will find a worshipping congregation that is warm and welcoming, and worship that is straightforward but uplifting.

Whether you are interested in the history of our lovely churches, planning a wedding or looking for a place of worship, we can guarantee a warm welcome.

The current church dates from the fourteenth century, although there was almost certainly a Saxon place of worship on the site as well as a Norman church which was noted in the Doomsday Survey of 1087, and stood for 300 years.  This was a rectangular windowless stone building and the tiles at the base of the altar of the current church are from this Norman building.

The church we see today dates from shortly after 1369, when the then Lord of the Manor - Michael of Poynings - died at the age of 51, and left some money for a new church to be built on the site of this existing Norman Church. The building was supervised by Michael’s eldest son Thomas.

There is a united Benefice service at Holy Trinity, Poynings on the 1st and 3rd Sunday in each month at 10am.

On the first Sunday of each month, it is an all age worship service, followed at 11.15 by a short said Communion service.

On the third Sunday of each month this is a service of Holy Communion. 


The Street
BN45 7AQ

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