About Us

Situated on the northern edge of Oxford, just off the Woodstock Road, St Peter's Church serves the Parish and Ward of Wolvercote, which stretches from the village of Wolvercote to Cutteslowe Park. St Peter's is a lively church with a growing ministry to families and children. We are an open, inclusive community of people from all walks of life who are seeking to love and serve God in this parish. Anyone is welcome to join us for our services and we encourage you to do so on a regular basis. We hope you will find worship which is reverent, reflective, stilling and uplifting, and a congregation who are warm and welcoming. Children are valued members of our Church. They join Sunday Explorers during our 10am Sunday service, joining us once a month for Family Communion. 

St Peter's works closely with our sister churches of St Michael & All Angels Summertown, Wolvercote Baptist Church and All Saints' Wytham within the Summertown-Wolvercote Church Partnership. For more information visit our website at www.stpeterswolvercote.org