Church Letter

The Parish Pump, Debden's village magazine, is published monthly except in January. A letter from the Reverend Jeremy Trew, our Team Rector, is included in the magazine, and a copy appears below.


Jeremy writes…

By the time you are reading this we will have celebrated Easter, the clocks will have gone forward lengthening our evenings, and Spring will most definitely be in the air. So, I'd like to take this opportunity to mention our Annual Parochial Church Meetings. Meetings for each Parish will take place around this time of year. These meetings are a chance to hear reports on the life of our church communities, ask questions, and to elect people to help with the leadership of the church for the following year. They are an important part of the churches year and I encourage you to come along and take your part.

My grateful thanks go to all who have so capably steered our churches through this past year. I recognise that, with clergy vacancies, this is not an easy task. It’s not necessarily easy with clergy in post either, to be honest. However, it is a task that needs doing if we are to fulfill our task to “proclaim afresh the Gospel is each generation.” This is also a time to thank all those who labour, often behind the scenes, in caring for our church buildings and ensuring they continue to run and be available to their communities. Thank you all.

There is a lot that goes in to the proper leading of a church. The Vicar is paid to play a part in that admittedly, but there is just no way a Vicar can carry out that leadership effectively without the help of a committed group of people; that is the Parochial Church Council. Anyone who's on the Electoral Roll can become a member of the PCC, either as a general member or as a churchwarden, secretary, treasurer or Deanery Synod representative. Each role requires a different commitment but offers a different reward. With shared responsibility no one role need become too onerous, and there's always support on offer from the Diocesan Office.

I would like each person who is on the electoral role of our churches to consider and pray whether they ought to become involved in the PCC in a particular role. I am available to explain what each role entails and how you could be supported in it.

It was at that first Easter that Jesus handed over responsibility to his followers and made their success possible. For reasons known only to God he did not choose experts, nor those who together would make the perfect team. He chose ordinary people, plus a few troublemakers, and did something extraordinary through them. He still works that way it seems.

