Our worship

Worship is at the heart of our community life. It is when we meet with God and with one another in a particular way, and through that repeated encounter, we grow to become more fully the people and community that God is calling us to be. Holy Communion has a special place in our worship. Here, as we listen to, and think about, the Scriptures, and share bread and wine, we encounter the grace and love of God, and from this we are inspired and strengthened to live out our Christian faith in our daily lives.

Sunday Worship

8.00 am Holy Communion (said) in traditional language is celebrated every first Sunday of the month plus Christmas Day and Easter Day.

9.15 am Holy Communion (with hymns) in contemporary (Common Worship) language is celebrated every Sunday. On first Sundays in the month we call it 'Worship Together Communion'  and it is more interactive, less formal and shorter. We use seasonal booklets and specially printed service sheets. 

We hope our worship is relaxed, friendly, ordered and purposeful. We have a robed choir and a nave altar so everyone is close to the action. Members of the congregation contribute to worship in a variety of ways, including reading, praying and assisting with Communion.

We have a well equipped children’s area on the left hand side of the church for pre-school children. We ask that parents stay with their young children in the children's area to make sure their children are safe. From the children’s area, parents can join in with the service and children can see and hear what is happening.

Sunday Club.

Primary school age children are welcome to join our Sunday Club which takes place on 2nd and 3rd Sundays at the same time as the 9.15 am service. Everyone - children and adults - gathers together for the beginning of the service; children then go to the upper vestry for age appropriate teaching and activities, using Godly Play material. They return in time for the Communion Prayer.


These take place on a Sunday afternoon at 1.00 pm and sometimes later in the afternoon, too. Please arrange a date by contacting the Vicar, Rev Andrew Ridley on 01606 42943 or 07772 214966 / [email protected] /or via  achurchnearyou messaging. Couples are invited to bring their children to be introduced to the congregation on the first Sunday of the month 'Worship Together Communion Service' of the following month.

Midweek Services


There is a Communion Service (said), using contemporary (Common Worship) language in the Holy Cross Chapel at 12 noon on the 3rd Wednesday of the month (except in December). During Lent this becomes weekly

Praise and Play

We have a weekly service for pre-school children and their parents or carers every Friday during term-time, 9.30 am - 11.00 am.