Grave Records & Family History

Graves & Memorials
St John's has a large churchyard which has served the community for many years.  It has some impressive memorials and many simpler stones; all of which are a significant part of someone's family's history.  A number of the graves are of Armed-Service personnel. 

Access to the churchyard maps and documents is not easy at the moment.  We are hoping to improve that access as the year progresses.
Watch this page for news.  You may find the following websites to be a help in the meantime:
or for military graves, visit the website    and search for 'Ingrow'.

Keighley & District Local History Society
We have been very blessed to run sessions in conjunction with K&DLHS which have given the opportunity for people to share their stories of family events and experiences linked to the life of the church and churchyard.  In January, Tim Neal of K&DLHS presented the church with a book that he had collated of documents and stories that people had shared.  We are looking forward to working with Tim and K&DLHS again in the future.