6th Sunday of Easter

6th Sunday of Easter

Readings: Acts 10v44-end, Psalm 98; 1 John 5v1-6; John 15v9-17.

Let us pray: May the words of my mouth, and the thoughts and meditations of all our hearts, be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.

A Word: In the book of Acts, we hear that immediately after Peter had shared his testimony about Jesus with a crowd made up of Jews and gentiles, that the Spirit of God indwelt all who were listening. This left the Jews surprised because they did not expect God’s spirit to be poured out onto people who were not Jewish. Yet here they were - speaking in tongues and praising God. This inspired Peter to baptise the gentiles in the crowd – but before he did – he pointed out that the gentiles had been given the same spirit of God as those who were Jewish – and asked whether there were any objections to the gentiles being baptised. Then, as no objections were raised, Peter gave the instruction for the gentiles to be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ.

As a Christian, I believe that this account shows us that God loves all people and that God has no favourites. I also believe that it reminds us, the people who are the Church in this generation, that it is our duty and responsibility to not only welcome all people that God sends to us, but also to share our witness testimony with and baptise them. For as John tells us in his letter, everyone who believes that Jesus is the son of God, the Christ who lived and died for us, the Messiah, is a child of God. John also tells us that: if we love God, we will keep God’s commands and God will give us the strength and ability to live as He calls us to live.

For, as we heard in John’s gospel, Jesus tells us that he loves us the way he is loved by his father and invites us to make ourselves at home in his love. Jesus explains that we can live in his love if we follow his command to love others just as he loved us – which is by putting our lives on the line for one another. Jesus says that if we love others like this that we will grow and mature into the people that God meant us to be – the people God calls and chose for his plans and purposes. A people that we hear about in Psalm 98. A people who: sing to God. A people who shout God’s praises. A people who pay tribute to God. A people who know that God loves us so much that he rolled up his sleeves and took action to set things right between heaven and earth.

I believe that God is calling us into his service, in many and varied forms. I believe that God is calling us because he made us, loves us and chose us. I believe that God has a plan that includes each one of us. A plan that God is working out in the world, so that all humankind can be offered the gift to be saved, so that when this life comes to its end, we can take up a place in heaven.

Let us pray: Most merciful God, we give you thanks for your son Jesus who came to earth to deliver and save the world. Help us to be like him – the servants of others in the world for which he died. Open our eyes, hearts and minds, so we feel your calling. Send people to help us discern what you would have us do in your world. Help us to be the people you designed us to be – so we share the kind of love with the world that Jesus did. Amen

Thank you for joining us.