
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of The Parish of Garretts Green recognises the need to safeguard the children, young people and vulnerable adults in our care and guard against the possibility of any form of abuse of children, young people and vulnerable adults by persons who may be acting in the name of our parish. We aim to create a safe environment for the nurture and development of children, young people and vulnerable adults, in order for them to feel valued and confident to ask for support and help. We strive to ensure that our policies and procedures uphold the importance of our responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults entrusted to our care.

Our Parish Safeguarding Coordinator is Revd Susan Larkin who ensures all of the PCC, the Pastoral Visiting Team and anyone else eligible receives training and a DBS check. Susan updates us at PCC meetings regarding the latest training and information  

<span style="font-size: 1rem;">Jan Beare is the person to contact in the first instance if anyone believes a vulnerable adult is at risk. Jan can be contacted on 0121 743 7040</span>

Adam Larkin is the person to contact in the first instance if anyone believes a child is at risk.  Adam can be contacted on 07814377455

Or you can contact us on [email protected]

Alternatively you can contact the Bishops Safeguarding Advisor on 07342 993 844 or e-mail [email protected]

Other useful numbers

Police 0345 113 5000 or dial 101

Social Services (integrated access service) 0121 303 9515

NSPCC Helpline 024 622 2456

ChildLine 0870 336 2915

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