About Us

Hawkesley Anglican/ Methodist Church meets for worship each Sunday at 10.30 am in the School Hall at Hawkesley Academy, Shannon Road. It serves the Three Estates of Hawkesley, Primrose and Pool Farm.

Children and adults are most welcome at this family service. It is relatively informal and suitable for those who wish to worship in the Anglican or Methodist traditions. Worship is led by either a Church of England priest or a Methodist minister, sometimes both.

The day-to-day running of Hawkesley Church is overseen by an elected District Church Council, responsible to the Parochial Church Council at Saint Nicolas' Church, Kings Norton.

We are a friendly and welcoming congregation and we organise a number of events which are open to all. Some are mainly of a social nature such as the pancake evening on Shrove Tuesday, a quiz evening, which includes a fish and chip supper, a summer barbecue, or a Christmas bazaar.

You might also enjoy the fortnightly Hawkesley Coffee and Chat morning for adults, held on alternate Tuesdays at 10.00 a.m. in the Pastoral Centre at Hawkesley Church (see Weekly Notices for details).