
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

William Marsterson, Churchwarden
Mark Edwards, Churchwarden

Getting here

St. Giles was built in the early 13th century, and most of today's building was rebuilt in the 15th century.  In 1878 it was re-ordered by G W Street to suit the Anglo Catholic taste of the parish.  In 2011 the tower base was converted to include facilities (kitchen and toilet).  It is a Grade 1 Listed Bulding, included in Simon Jenkins' 1000 Best Churches, for its early 16th century Frowyke tomb. It has a number of other noteworthy features (15th century wooden screen round the Frowyke chantry chapel, medieval glass, Ninian Comper window and font cover).

In 1979 it was made part of a Joint Benefice with St. Margaret's, Ridge, whose Vicar is a part-time SSM.  Despite being a small parish (today - the parish once included all of what is now Potters Bar) it maintains a bell-ringing tradition and a small choir.  The organ is a late 19th century Bevington. Concerts are given and the churchis used for social functions as well as School services (for the adjacent St. Giles Primary School).  It has a large churchyard, still open, with many interesting tombs and many trees and wild flowers.

Sunday Services are normally Sung Eucharist at 11.00 am. Major church feasts are observed normally at 8.00 pm.  On Christmas Eve there is a Bread Service (continuation of an 18th century charity, where all present are given a bread roll, originally a penny loaf "that no-one might go hungry on Christmas Day").

Blanche Lane
South Mymms
Potters Bar

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