Weekly News - 24th April 2022

This week’s Bible reading: 

Matthew 28:16-20 (p 1001).

Welcome to our visitors

This Sunday, we welcome Connell and his family and friends to our 10.30 service, where Connell will be baptised. Please make them welcome, and pray for him as he sets out on his new life as a member of God’s Church, and for his parents and God-parents as they take solemn vows on his behalf.

During the service, Luke will be here, and there will be activities for children (and adults) related to the message of Easter. Please note that the cameras will not be on the front of church while children are there.

The Centre: 

This Sunday Samara Ellis and her daughter Ceanna will be visiting the Centre. Andrew and Samara are in leadership in churches in Zimbabwe. We have supported them for over 20 years since they left All Nations Christian College. Do come and join us and hear what she has to say!

Choral evensong:

This weekend we will hold a service of choral evensong at 6.30 pm on Sunday. Please join us if you can for this meditative service.

Annual meetings: 

Our annual meetings (APCMs) will be held, following on from our morning services, Sacombe’s on 26th April, The Mundens’ on 1st May, and Standon’s on 8th May. Papers are available at the back of our churches, but please contact your secretary if you’re willing to receive them electronically.

Our Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) are the governing bodies of our churches, and are responsible for most aspects of running our benefice, both in terms of meeting the requirements of the law and Charity Commission rules, and maximising our effectiveness in spreading the good news of Jesus. We need a wide range of gifts and experience in order to serve our churches and communities well. Please consider whether God is calling you to serve on our PCCs.

Rotas of all sorts:

Both St Mary’s and All Saints are looking for help on many fronts! Many of our routine tasks are performed by volunteers who take their turn on a rota system, but many of our rotas have significant gaps. What can you do? In particular, we need people to join the teams for the following:

All Saints: Cleaning – in a team, taking a turn every couple of months – speak to Pauline

Flower arranging – no previous experience needed! - speak to Deborah or Heather

Welcoming and serving coffee on Sunday mornings – speak to any of the current team

Reading or leading intercessions in services – speak to a churchwarden

Helping with café on Wednesday afternoons – speak to Carole or Deborah

St Mary’s: Cleaning – in a team, taking a turn every 6 weeks – speak to Rita

Helping in the churchyard, 1st Saturday morning of each month – speak to Mike or Sarah

Bell ringing (practice night Tuesday) – speak to Tracey

Welcoming or serving coffee on Sunday mornings – speak to Angie or Wendy

Reading or leading intercessions in church – speak to Angie or Wendy

Joining the streaming rota to be set up in the near future – speak to Angie or Rich


Mayday is a day when we need a great deal of help in Standon. A list is up in St Mary’s; please sign up if you can help on the day or cook beforehand.

There will be a programme of music in St Mary’s during the afternoon:

1.30pm The Rib Singers directed by David Ranford

2.00pm The church bells will be rung

2.15pm Favourite organ pieces and piano duets played by Marion and Michael Smith

3.00pm Clarinet and organ music played by Thomas Stephens

3.30pm Members of the choir of our United Benefice will sing songs and anthems


Our website address is in the process of changing. Please bear with us as we make the transition.

Services for the next few weeks:

Midweek services each week:

Tuesdays, 9.30am Holy Communion (BCP) St Catherine’s

Wednesdays, 9.30 am Morning worship & Bible study St Mary’s

Sunday services:

Sunday 24th April 10.30 am Morning worship & baptism St Mary’s

4.00 pm The Centre All Saints

6.30 pm Choral evensong St Mary’s

Sunday 1st May: 8.00 am Holy communion St Mary’s

10.30 am Morning worship All Saints

2.00 pm Baptism service St Mary’s

4.00 pm The Centre All Saints

Sunday 8th May 10.30 am Holy communion St Mary’s

4.00 pm The Centre All Saints

Sunday 15th May 8.00 am Holy communion St Mary’s

10.30 am Morning worship All Saints

4.00 pm The Centre All Saints