Weekly prayer topics

Last Updated: 28th April 2024

Here we suggest focus points for prayer, but please continue to pray for the work of our churches and missionary partners around the world (at www.achurchnearyou.com/church/7825/page/77358/view)

Praise God

- for William and his parents and God-parents, who are bringing him to church for baptism

- for our choir and the service it gives to our worship, and for Michael as he leads the music in our benefice

- for the faithful service of our officers and PCC members; pray that more step forward for our annual meetings

Pray for those in pain or distress

- for Charlie and her brother, and for all who are grieving

- for all who are in hospital, or undergoing tests, or waiting for treatment, or who are unwell at the moment

- for all who have been listed here in recent weeks, and who still need our prayers

- for those who need our prayers but have chosen not to be named here

- for those who care for any who are unwell

Pray for our community

- for all who are facing challenges at the moment, of whatever kind

- for local churches, charities and organisations who work to support any who are struggling

- for our local organisations who are preparing to fundraise at Mayday

Pray for our outreach, our service and our churches

- for our upcoming annual church meetings, that we will all pray about our work, about decisions that our churches face, and about whether God is calling us to serve on PCC

- for those who are currently shouldering too much of the administrative burden of our parishes, that more will step forward to share the work of keeping our benefice running, so that we can fulfil our calling to ministry and mission in our community

- for our All Saints@6 congregation as we listen for God’s guidance

Pray for our mission partners and the world

David and Marlene in Austria, working for Operation Mobilization, have asked us to pray for:

- David’s work in media supporting missionary teams around the world in their outreach, for discernment about what new projects to take on, and for the Lord to provide more labourers for their team

- the investigations and tests David is having by a cardiologist

- Marlene’s work amongst refugees at the Oasis Reception Centre, that some would find Jesus through friendship, patience and sharing evangelistic activities

- their daughters, Susanne and Johanna (who was baptised on Easter Sunday), that they would stay deeply rooted in their faith

- the witness of their church and a kids’ camp planned for July

If you are aware of anyone who would like our prayers, or who would like the church family to share in some news, good or bad, please let Caroline know.