Weekly News - 1st May 2022

This week’s Bible readings:

1 Peter 2:4-10 (p 1218) John 17:13-19 (p 1085).

Little Munden Annual Meeting:

This Sunday, immediately after the 10.30 service, we will hold the APCM for the Mundens. If you’re on the electoral roll of All Saints, please stay and hear how the parish is doing and what the challenges are that we plan to tackle in the coming year.

Standon’s Annual Meeting:

This will be next weekend, again straight after the 10.30 service.

Jordan trip:

Keep a lookout on the website for the vlog (video log) from Jordan. We are hoping to post daily on where we are and what we are doing. The trip is 9th to 18th May.

CCTV at St Mary’s:

Please note that we have installed a camera in the porch at St Mary’s. Recordings will be held securely and deleted after a period. No-one visiting will be photographed inside the church.

Ralph’s walk:

Ralph is walking Wainwright’s Coast To Coast Walk, walking 200 miles over 12 days from 1st May, raising funds for the last bits of the Sacombe re-ordering - there is still around £8,000 to raise. If you would like to sponsor him the link is: www.JustGiving.com/Ralph-Paddock21.

Rotas of all sorts:

Many of our routine tasks are performed by volunteers who take turns on a rota system, but many of our rotas have significant gaps. We need help, please, with the following:

All Saints:

- Cleaning – in a team, taking a turn every couple of months – speak to Pauline

- Flower arranging – no previous experience needed! - speak to Deborah or Heather

- Welcoming and serving coffee on Sunday mornings – speak to any of the current team

- Reading or leading intercessions in services – speak to a churchwarden

- Helping with café on Wednesday afternoons – speak to Carole or Deborah

St Mary’s:

- Cleaning – in a team, taking a turn every 6 weeks – speak to Rita

- Helping in the churchyard, 1st Saturday morning of each month – speak to Mike or Sarah

- Bell ringing (practice night Tuesday) – speak to Tracey

- Welcoming or serving coffee on Sunday mornings – speak to Angie or Wendy

- Reading or leading intercessions in church – speak to Angie or Wendy

- Joining the streaming rota to be set up in the near future – speak to Angie or Rich


If you can help on the day or cook beforehand, please speak to Caroline ASAP.

There will be a programme of music in St Mary’s during the afternoon:

1.30pm The Rib Singers directed by David Ranford

2.00pm The church bells will be rung

2.15pm Favourite organ pieces and piano duets played by Marion and Michael Smith

3.00pm Clarinet and organ music played by Thomas Stephens

3.30pm Members of the choir of our United Benefice will sing songs and anthems


Our website address is in the process of changing. Please bear with us as we make the transition.

Services for the next few weeks:

Midweek services each week:

Tuesdays, 9.30am Holy Communion (BCP) St Catherine’s

Wednesdays, 9.30 am Morning worship & Bible study St Mary’s

Sunday services:

Sunday 1st May: 

8.00 am Holy communion, St Mary’s

10.30 am Morning worship, All Saints

2.00 pm Baptism service, St Mary’s

4.00 pm The Centre, All Saints

Sunday 8th May:

10.30 am Holy communion, St Mary’s

4.00 pm The Centre, All Saints

Sunday 15th May:

8.00 am Ante communion, St Mary’s

10.30 am Morning worship, All Saints

4.00 pm The Centre, All Saints

Sunday 22nd May:

10.30 am Morning worship & baptism, St Mary’s

4.00 pm The Centre, All Saints

6.30 pm Jubilee choral evensong, St Mary’s