Facilities and features


Toilets available in adjacent Hall

Baby Changing Facilities

A council owned public car park is adjacent to the church

In adjacent Hall

Level access to the hall and the church

Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print

Our Building

Our beautiful Grade II* listed building was built in 1876. It, and the vicarage, are situated within the Stamford Green Conservation Area. Set in large grounds it is of traditional design.
The tower contains a radio-controlled chiming clock and a peal of eight bells. The bells, which were renewed in the 1990s, are rung weekly.
The interior has many fine decorative features, notably: the font and baptistry at the west end; extensive stained glass; the wrought iron rood screen below a mural; and, in the chancel, some splendid mosaic work.
A sensitive re-ordering completed in the mid-1990s replaced the Victorian pews with upholstered chairs and installed a carpeted dais at the east end of the nave from which all main services are now conducted, with the use of a specially-commissioned moveable wooden altar.

Music and Worship

Bell Ringing

The pipe organ was completely rebuilt in the late 1990s and there is also an electric piano.

Regular Choir
Worship band

Groups, Courses and Activities

Youth Group

See web site for up to date details

Mothers Union
Youth work

Help for Visitors

Various leaflets available in church

Other Features


Collection point at the back of church

An effective sound system includes a hearing aid loop and a permanently installed digital projector.

The church sits in Stamford Green Conservation Area to the west of Epsom town centre, abutting the edge of Epsom Common. The picturesque green, with its pond and listed historic inn, forms the centrepiece of the area, which is also notable for its collection of late 19th century cottages.
The conservation area was designated on 13 June 1982 by Epsom and Ewell Borough Council.

The two-storey hall, to the rear of the church, was opened in 1986 and can accommodate up to 100
people downstairs. Like the church, the downstairs Hall has level access for wheelchair users.
Further details and bookings may be made via the church website.