
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

General enquiries
01392 491476

Getting here

St Michael's Alphington (not to be confused with nearby churches of the same name in Heavitree, Mount Dinham and Dunchideock) offers a warm welcome to people of all ages. Our worship includes both traditional and contemporary styles, and our aim is to know Jesus Christ and to share him with our local community.

Please visit our website at for further details.

We are part of a group of three parishes (known as a "Mission Community") with St Ida's, Ide and St George's, Shillingford St George.

To make an appointment  to discuss marriage, banns of marriage, and baptism (sometimes called "christening") in all three parishes, please phone 07594 306 462. The line is open on Mondays between 2pm and 6pm, and on Thursdays between 9am and 1pm.

Chudleigh Road

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