Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary the Virgin
St Mary the Virgin, St Mary the Virgin, the Parish Church of Lynton Church Hill Lynton North Devon, EX35 6ED, United Kingdom

Every Sunday at 11.00am.

Ascension Day Breakfast

for 1 hour, 30 mins
Barbrook Village Hall
Barbrook Village Hall

The famous Ascension Day Breakfast, enjoy a freshly cooked breakfast served at your table in good company.

Community Coffee Morning

for 1 hour
The Greenhouse, Lee Road, Lynton
The Greenhouse, Lee Road, Lynton

Community Coffee Morning with Dave Wilde and Phil Coole. Everyone very welcome for a chat in good company. This coffee morning will be in the Greenhouse, Lee Road. (Photo Tripadvisor)

Archdeacon's Annual Visitation

for 1 hour
St Peter's Church, Fremington
St Peter's Church, Fremington

Every year parishioners elect Churchwardens to represent them and to work with their parish priest in enabling Christian mission and ministry in their parish. Wardens will be sworn in by the Archdeacon as officers of the Diocesan Bishop. The visitation for the Shirwell Deanery will take place at St Peter's Church, Fremington and conducted by the Archdeacon, Venerable Verena Breed. Please note, if you plan to attend this, the car park at Fremington is not very big, parking is a bit limited.

Service for the Licencing of the new Rector, Rev'd Miles Welborn

for 1 hour
St Mary's Parish Church, Lynton
St Mary's Parish Church, Lynton

The service for the Licencing of the new Rector, Rev'd Miles Welborn, will be held in St Mary the Virgin Parish Church, Lynton and will be conducted by the Bishop of Crediton (and acting Bishop of Exeter), Venerable Jackie Searle.

Please note we have been notified of a change of date which is now Tuesday 2nd July