About Us

Welcome to St Hilda’s

Please visit our main website at https://sthildashalifax.wordpress.com/ 

Welcome to St Hilda’s Church, Halifax, in the hills of West Yorkshire.

Our church was built in 1911 to replace an earlier mission building in a very different world to the one in which we find ourselves now. Back then the area was heavily industrialised, surrounded by mills and engineering works, the local population were predominantly Christian and there was a large barracks who used St Hilda’s as their church each Sunday. Today some industry still remains but the majority has closed, the barracks has gone, around 80% of the parish is Muslim, and the area is amongst the most socially deprived in the country, but our church still plays a vital, central and happy role. Now as much as ever it did.

St Hilda’s is a relaxed, family church where you can be sure of a very warm welcome. Our Church is just like any other family:  We have single people and couples, people with special needs – all are welcome. We don’t all look alike, or think alike all of the time(!), but this makes for a lively church in which we value each other and work together to build God’s Kingdom of love.

We have at least three things in common:

We love God.

We look out for each other.

We want to do the best we can to build a better world and serve all in our community.

In this we have a community room (known as the Whitby Room) with a kitchen and toilets which has been built in the back of the main church. The Whitby room is a much used facility by Christians, Muslims and many of no faith at all, in an area in which there is no other such community room, do have a look through our website to see some of what is going on!

May God’s blessing be with you.