
Supporting your parish church

This year, it will cost around £30,000 (about £600 per week) to run Thanington Parish Church, to serve the local community, and to do the routine maintenance of the historic St Nicholas Church building. We will also need to raise additional funds for repairs to the church buillding, especially the roof.

Where does this money come from? Mostly from the regular giving of people in the congregation, occasional fund-raising events and one-off donations. We are grateful for all of these contributions, both large and small.

If you value this church, please consider making a donation. Here are all the different ways to give to Thanington Parish Church.

Parish Giving Scheme

The Parish Giving Scheme provides a way for people to give either a one-off donation or a regular monthly donation to the church by direct debit.  It is secure, confidential, and easy to use. For UK taxpayers, Parish Giving will also claim tax relief from HMRC through the government gift-aid scheme. This increases the value of the gift by 25% at no cost to yourself. To give this way, visit and search for Thanington.

Bank Transfer (BACS )

You can send a Payment or Bank Transfer to the church. This can often now be done via Internet/Online Banking. Here are the church bank details you will need:

Account name: Thanington Parochial Church Council

Sort code: 20-17-92

Account Number: 00446548

We may be able to claim Gift Aid if you are a taxpayer. To register for Gift Aid, please get in touch with our treasurer Tony Martin, email [email protected]

Standing Order

You can set up a Standing Order to the church via your bank. This can be easily set up on using your online banking or your banking app. You can amend the payment whenever you wish, so you are in control.  Here are the church bank details which you will need:

Account name: Thanington Parochial Church Council

Sort code: 20-17-92 Account Number: 00446548

We may be able to claim Gift Aid if you are a taxpayer. To register for Gift Aid, please get in touch with our treasurer Tony Martin, email [email protected]

Weekly envelopes

For those who attend regularly, we can supply weekly envelopes in which you can put your offering and bring it to church. Cheques payable to Thanington Parochial Church Council.

We may be able to claim Gift Aid if you are a taxpayer and you register with us to Gift Aid. To register for Gift Aid, please get in touch.

Cash donation ...

Of course, you can also give the old fashioned way - just come along to church and put some money in the offering plate.


We are grateful to all who support the work of this church with their time, their talents and their money. Your support will help us to...

· Offer weekly worship each Sunday, including Family Worship at 4pm.

· Offer monthly worship at Lark View Care home and at Warren Lodge.

· Offer special services which bring the community together at Christmas, Easter, Harvest, and Remembrance Sunday.

· Offer baptisms, weddings, funerals, and pastoral care.

· Organise community events, including the monthly CAMEO lunch club.

· Care for our historic church building, so that it will be available for future generations.

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