Pastoral Help, Healing Prayer for the Sick, Company and Encouragement

Pastoral Help, Healing Prayer for the Sick, Company and Encouragement

We run coffee mornings every Thursday between 10:00 and 11:30 and on the second Saturday of the month between 10 and 12 noon. The Saturday coffee morning is accompanied by a second-hand book shop and bacon sandwiches. The vicar is available to meet people at the Thursday coffee morning but can be contacted most days.

If you would like to talk to the vicar or want his/her help, or would like prayer, please contact the church warden. Furthermore it is likely that someone or, better still, a couple of people will be privileged to pray with you at the end of a morning service if you ask. There is a team of people ready and trained for it. Ask for prayer, even if we have not offered it at the morning service you attend. God wants to meet us at our point of need and we would be pleased to pray with you.