Bishop Philip Blesses Oils at Chrism Mass


Fr David and Fr Jordan were delighted to be present with Bishop Philip and clergy from across the diocese for the annual Chrism Mass, which was held this year at St George's Church in Preston. Music was provided by students from St Christopher's School in Accrington, through the Cantores Choir, directed by Miss Helen Davies. The Chrism Mass is an opportunity for priests to renew the promises of ordination, but also for the whole family of God to gather together to celebrate the gift of priestly ministry, and to focus on the task of mission which God gives to all his faithful people.

In his homily, Bishop Philip focussed on the meaning of each of the three Holy Oils; of the sick, of Baptism and the Sacred Chrism. He reminded us to that as Christian people we need to remember that through our calling, we have to have a foot both in the mundane, being part of this world, but also in the heavenly realm, as we are called to be people of the Kingdom of God. He reminded us that priests receive the gift of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of the bishop's hands at Ordination, but also that this is true for the whole people of God, upon whom his hands are laid at our Confirmation, praying that God will confirm us with his Holy Spirit, and through the anointing that follows we are sealed with that same Holy Spirit.

Following the homily, all priests present stood as the Bishop addressed them and together they reaffirmed the promises they made at Ordination, promising to be faithful to their calling from God, and to serve his people in bringing the message of the Kingdom of God to each and every person in their care. Then the Oils were brought forward for blessing, when the Bishop prayed that those who are anointed by these oils throughout the coming year might receive the blessing of God and be strengthened and supported in their Christian lives. 

At the end of the mass, Bishop Philip thanked his priests for their service, and reminded us of the particular challenge that priestly ministry brings at this time. A round of applause was offered for the clergy, and after the mass, we had the opportunity to celebrate with a lavish buffet that had been organised by the people of St George's.

In our own parish, we will be reminded of this mass at the beginning of the Maundy Thursday Liturgy, when the three oils, collected at the Chrism Mass will be presented for use in our churches over the coming year. At the Confirmation Mass on 7 April, Bishop Philip himself will use the Oil of Chrism, as our candidates receive the laying on of hands and anointing, sealing them with the gift of the Holy Spirit for their Christian journeys.