Zoom in for community sharing - How to Pray

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Lent From_the_Vicar Community_news

Our parish is diverse - including the village of Irchester with it's 4750 residents with the tall spire of St Katharine's Church rising up between the village and Irchester Country park; the community of Little Irchester which sits between Wellingborough and Irchester; the few houses and farm that sits in Knuston on our borders with Rushden and the growing development of Stanton Cross - over the railway line at Wellingborough. For now, this includes around 800 homes and a primary school. The primary school comprises Reception and Year 1 classes as well as a satellite of Rowan Gate school housed in the building with 55 children. 

As Lent begins 2024 - on Valentine's Day - the newly installed Vicar - Debbie - invites all residents of the parish to join our weekly online meeting at 8pm on Mondays from 19th Feb. This is a chance to hear and share news from across our parish and to inform our prayer life as we seek to bring before God the issues of our lives or to learn from the experience of others. This may also enable us to share in growing our understanding of the Christian faith by sharing of our experiences and understandings. I do hope you will consider joining us when you can on a Monday evening - from the comfort of your own home. I look forward to chatting with you.

Please see the file attached below for joining instructions. 

Every blessing

Revd Debbie Smith-Wilds.  [email protected].   Tel: 01933 312674