March Musings

Lent From_the_Vicar

Yesterday I saw snowdrops and a few cowslips as we move from winter into spring. The birds were singing and the sun was warm on my face and I felt my heart lift at the thought of longer days and not having to walk Bean in the dark in a dayglo jacket so I can find her when she is off the lead!!

We are journeying towards Easter, to all those joyful times of longer days, warmer evenings, not perhaps as much rain and mud, being able to get out in the garden, the allotment or play in the park, long dog walks, time off school, time off work, spending special time with our families and friends, all on our horizon. We have so much to be thankful for. We have already had our Pancake Party and our Ash Wednesday service to mark the beginning of Lent, and……

Our next dog walk leaving from St James Church, High Wych will be Sunday 3rd March at 2.30 pm

However, as we journey towards Easter with all our services to look forward to we are experiencing Lent, that journey that is of personal self-reflection as we journey with Jesus as he walks towards the Cross, asking ourselves - where do we fall short? what can we do that is better? Who can we help?, etc

This year I am asking you all to think carefully about taking on the Lent Challenge as our way of giving thanks for all that we have and for serving others who are struggling at this time. There are many ways we can do this, here are 3 different ways we can do this (see below):-

2024 The Lent Challenge

During the 40 days of Lent we may give things up – to fast – from sugary or fatty foods, while others choose a well-loved treat, social media, alcohol, or TV the idea being that we remember Jesus’ time in the wilderness when he went without and we are called to give more attention to God, in prayer and reading the Bible.

We are also called during Lent to remember those worse off than ourselves and there are so many ways we can do this. We can give our money to charity, maybe sending help to children in Gaza who are struggling without food and basic necessities:-

Children in Gaza crisis appeal - UNICEF UK – (follow this link to financially give).

Or you may consider using the Count your Blessings project that helps you work through Lent thoughtfully, giving to the poorer countries around the world who are dealing with the onslaughts of climate change and poverty:-

count-your-blessings-2024-v1.1.pdf ( – (follow link to download the 40 days challenge – printed out at back of church (St Mary’s) for you to look at)

Or you may want to look closer to home and take up the Lent Challenge for our own area. We are committing to give generously to the Pop-Up shop during Lent, focussing on a particular area of food/household products each week as follows:-

Week 1 - we focus on bringing soft drinks for that week.

Week 2 – cans of food.

Week 3 – dried goods

Week 4 - Cereals or household products.

Week 5 – chocolate (small Easter eggs)

Week 6 – Special Easter food

This will call us to sacrifice some of our wealth but it will benefit others who are struggling. The church (St James, High Wych) or (St Mary’s, Gilston) is open every day from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm for you to bring food and place in the box provided, and we will make sure this food gets to the Pop-Up Shop. Or if this is difficult for you, you can give the Pop Up Shop money directly at:-

Barclays Bank – Account Number 60797029 – Sort Code 20 36 98

Account Name: Sawbridgeworth Congregational Church

My hope for each one of us over this Easter period is that we will say this prayer:-

Father, help me to live each day to the full,

Being true to You, in every way.

Jesus, help me to give myself away to others,

Being kind to everyone I meet.

Sprit, help me to love the lost,

Proclaiming Christ in all I say and do. Amen.

I leave you with our Bible verse for the year to encourage us to find the joy in each day that we are given.

Your Priest


Romans 15:13

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.