Rev Alison's Weekly Update - 12/04/24

welcome sheet 14th April.docx Download
Readings for Sunday 14th April 2024.docx Download

Good morning to you all

I am hopeful it maybe a sunny morning for you, wherever you are.

I have been at Launde Abbey for a couple of days and it has been very wet, windy and cold so I am really happy to see a bit of sunshine outside my window today.

As the Easter holidays draw to a close and school, Jimmy’s toddler group, and other groups that you maybe involved with start up again , I hope those of you who have had a rest or been away are feeling refreshed and looking forward to the new term starting. As many of you know I go into High Wych school on Tuesdays for Collective worship and I am looking forward to seeing all the children again. I’ve also missed seeing our lovely Toddler team for the last couple of weeks and our lovely toddler families, who are all fast becoming friends.

We have something new that we are beginning to plan and advertise and which I would like to give you more information on.

It is going to be called Wednesday Welcome. The idea has grown from delivering ‘small bags of kindness’ at Christmas to our elderly neighbours in High Wych, Gilston and Eastwick who live alone and getting to know them a little. We would like to offer them somewhere to go and some lovely people to meet up with.

We are very fortunate to be able to hold it in a well-appointed venue; No 2-32 Mabey’s Walk in High Wych, CM21 0HN that has been offered to us by our local housing association. It is well decorated with lovely new furniture, is warm and has great kitchen facilities. There is parking available near the building. We are planning to run Wednesday Welcome every month on the first Wednesday of the month from here. The hope is it will create an inviting space to gather, meet new people, eat cake and do things that will be interesting and stimulating. 

Our first session is on Wednesday 1st May and this week leaflets will be going out to invite all the neighbours in that area, who are over the age of 55 and around during the day. I would like to extend the invitation to all our residents of High Wych, Gilston and Eastwick, for those who have elderly family members who would enjoy some company. Each session will run from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm and we hope to meet you there. If you would like to be involved from the very beginning and help shape what we will be doing at these sessions please come to this first one where we will be asking what things you would like to do. We do see this as a space that will evolve and be shaped by the people who come.

We have a great team already and if you would like to join the team to help, just let me know.

We have two services this Sunday one at St James High Wych at 9.30 am and another at St Mary’s, Gilston at 11.15 am, both services are followed by refreshments and by a time of getting to know each other better. It would be lovely to see you there.

Also, this is a reminder to book your tickets for the Racketeers concert that is happening next Saturday at Gilston and Eastwick Village Hall from 7.30 pm. The Racketeers played at the Scarecrow Festival in the summer and this is your opportunity to see them again. You can reserve your tickets (£10 per head to include a ploughman’s supper and your first drink) by e-mailing myself or Christine law on [email protected]

Looking forward to seeing you again soon.

Every blessing
